Travel planning should be a fun, seamless, and interactive process. You shouldn’t do it with just anyone. It’s really important to me that we connect when working out your special trip, and that’s not possible if we’re not on the same page to begin with.
Let’s find out if our expectations align, our ideals mesh well together, and if Aum Journeys is right for you. Here are the types of people that have had the most success using Aum Journeys’ services in the past:

Clients who can let go of control.
If you have a death grip on your trip, it probably won’t work. I always consult with you, get your feedback, and keep you up-to-date on what’s going on in the planning process. But Aum Journeys needs creative control to really make the magic happen.
Trust is such an important part of this process. I have 6+ years in the industry, have traveled to nearly 30 countries, and planned 1,000+ vacations for my clients. I know what I’m doing. Trust me, not your neighbor or cousin twice-removed.

Planning a trip and all of its components can be stressful. If the whole point of going on vacation is to de-stress and enjoy yourself, why elevate your stress levels before the trip has even begun? Just don’t! If you want your vacation to start at home with the planning process, then Aum Journeys is right for you.
Clients who want to challenge themselves and connect with places to experience a deeper meaning.
Have you come to a point in life where going through the motions just isn’t cutting it anymore? Do you want to finally form a relationship with this green Earth you’ve been inhabiting all this time?
Aum Journeys doesn’t only do trips with nature and scenery as a major focus, but those are the ones that tend to get knocked out of the park. We also don’t only do trips that include active adventure activities, but we think we’re pretty good at those too.
You don’t need to be a master yogi to go on a yoga retreat or an experienced backpacker to hike the Inca Trail. If you’ve gone to a community yoga class or done a day hike and loved it, Aum Journeys can help you take those experiences to the next level. The beauty of planning these types of trips is that you have time to prepare. Challenge yourself. You’ll feel electrified afterwards and you won’t be afraid to push the envelope even more on your next trip.

Many all-inclusive beach resorts look the same no matter which country you’re in, with a few exceptions. The local towns and countrysides do not. Accommodations that blend into the surroundings are the ones that help you connect with a destination and really harness the ‘energy’ of a place. I want to help transfer that energy to you so you can bring it back into your everyday life!
Clients who value an amazing experience more than the lowest price.
Don’t get me wrong, I always have your best interest in mind when it comes to pricing your vacation, but what’s important to remember is that what I’m doing and what Travelocity is doing is not apples to apples.
When you work with Aum Journeys, often there are perks included that you don’t get when you DIY online. What they’re advertising isn’t the same as what I’m offering and often doesn’t include some very necessary part of your travel experience, such as taxes, transportation, breakfast, etc.
I’d simply be unable to do my job efficiently and effectively if I had to check prices on every single website on the internet for every single trip component. The absolute cheapest is not necessarily the best option and more importantly, it may not be the best option for you and your individual situation. Never has there been a more fitting sentence than “you get what you pay for”.

Sure, that hotel may be $9 cheaper on Expedia. If it weren’t for someone getting to know you and recommending it based on your vision of the ideal getaway, would you have made the connection that it was just what you were looking for? Isn’t that worth the extra $9?
The reality is, delivering exceptional experiences is rarely compatible with rock bottom prices.
Clients who work hard in their day-to-day life and want to make the most of their precious time away from obligations.
Are your priorities shifting from those of a serial workaholic to those of someone who uses their hard-earned resources for a better and more fulfilling life? If you realize that life is short and we need to make the best of the one we have, then you’re one step closer to being the perfect fit to work with Aum Journeys.
If you’re considering taking a vacation, don’t keep holding out for next year and don’t limit yourself this year so you can go all out next time. The harsh reality is that next time may never come. I’ve witnessed one too many people delay their happiness for what has yet to become the “right time”. If you’re going to do it, indulge yourself and don’t go home wishing you’d done things differently when you had the chance.

This isn’t to say that Aum Journeys can’t work well for lots of different kinds of people. I’ve planned all different styles of trips with a wide range of budgets and had satisfied clients across the board. But having a clear understanding of what I’m best at will help you utilize my services to the fullest and create a mutually beneficial relationship from the get-go!
Do you think Aum Journeys sounds like just what you’re looking for and want to get started designing your memorable getaway today? Click the link below to start planning!
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